When planning on making a move to a new location, there are specific factors to consider in order to ensure that the goal of moving is met and adequately achieved. When moving to New Zealand, same applies and as thus, there is the need to understand what it entails to move to New Zealand.
Below are some useful answers to some of the most important questions you have about moving to New Zealand.
While several people decide to relocate to New Zealand for several reasons, it is important to note that there are certain factors to put into consideration before making the final preparations to move. While you may be planning a New Zealand move because of work, family, lifestyle opportunities, a fresh start and more, you should think about the following factors before solidifying your plans.
● What are the opportunities that will be available for my family with regards to work, education, lifestyle and more?
● What is the cost of living, medical care and dental charges in New Zealand?
● Will I be buying or renting a home?
● What are my transportation options and cost to get around and to work?
● What sort of community support is available?
● What is the potential salary or earnings I can get in New Zealand? Can the earning support my lifestyle and family?
It is most important to understand that salaries in New Zealand are quoted in annual schedules and income tax will be deducted from it. As part of the plans to move to New Zealand, it is also important to consider whether or not you are eligible for a visa. While it is important to consider the positives, it is also important to consider the negative aspects such as what will happen in the event you fail to secure a job.
How do you know if New Zealand is right for you?
While many people consider only the opportunities they may benefit from when moving to New Zealand, there is the need to ask yourself the important question of whether or not the location is right for you. It may however be essential to first get a short term taste of life in New Zealand as a tourist, student, or worker on a temporary working visa.
What you’ll need if you decide to move to New Zealand
If you have decided on your move to New Zealand, then you will need all the information you can get as regards preparing for the move and better settling in the new location. Below are some of the most important needs when moving to New Zealand.
1. Get your documents together
When planning a move to New Zealand, like all other places, there is the need to get all original and certified copies of important documents that will be needed by you and your family. Some of the important documents you will need include medical and dental records, vaccination certificates, academic qualifications such as degree certificates and certificates of registrations that allows you work in certain jobs, references that describe your work ethics, skills and character, references about your active participation in community services and volunteer works, contact details for people you might want to use as job referees and more.
2. Get your CV ready
When planning your move, you will be in need of a new job and as such, gather your CV and make sure it is in order and accurately describes your past experiences and skills.
3. Be prepared in case you don’t find a job immediately
Having a back up plan in the event you do not find a job immediately is great. Prepare for this period by bringing along your savings. You may also have to take a less fitting job pending the time you get the desired one.
4. Get your qualifications evaluated to see if they suit New Zealand
For persons with formal tertiary qualifications from university, polytechnic or trade schools, you can have your qualifications evaluated by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) to ensure that you are in the right fit for jobs.
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